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He said one of the ways this will be accomplished is by building programs of academic excellence that are attractive to everyone, delivered when and how people want them. Whether its midday, at night, online or physically here, but its aligned with the needs of the workforce, delivered in a way and time when it can be done, he said. This includes a student centered faculty that cares for, embraces and mentors its students. Its the thing that sets us apart from maybe larger institutions, he said. The care and feeding, so to speak, that you get here is very special. He also wants S. C. State to focus on brand renewal and getting the message out there for having a reputation of student success. Also, weve got to fix our customer service. Its got to be first class. Up to now we havent had top notch, first class customer service, he said.
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Retrieved at . Accessed on 11 May, 2005Twight, Charlotte. Watching You Systematic Federal Surveillance of Ordinary Americans. Cato riefing Paper No. 69, October 17, New Haven FirefightersThe Supreme Court case of Ricci v. DeStefano was heard in April of 2009, and the Court's decision was issued in favor of the plaintiffs on 29 June, 2009. The plaintiffs here, Ricci et al. , were nineteen firefighters from New Haven, Connecticut who had sued the administration of New Haven mayor John DeStefano over the decision to disregard results from a written examination given for promotion within the city fire department. Ricci et al. alleged reverse discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits employment discrimination based on race: it is necessary to note in this context that the vast majority of the plantiffs in Ricci were white, with two Hispanics included, and that the administrative decision made in New Haven was based on the fact that no African American firefighters were able to pass the test and thus be eligible for promotion. HOLT V.
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Our Virtual Open Day is an opportunity not to be missed!Its filled with presentations and videos, and on 30 October and 14 November you will have the chance to talk to staff and students through a live chat and interactive sessions. This is someone from outwith the University who will examine your thesis. If you are a member of academic staff, you will need to have two external examiners appointed to consider your thesis. An external examiner will be a professor, reader or lecturer, or academic staff of an equivalent employment grade at another Institution. They should not have worked in the same department as you at any point, nor have been employed by the University whilst you have been a student. The University of Iowa College of Nursing SANE Online + Clinical training program is a comprehensive and intensive hybrid course to familiarize participants with all aspects of the forensic and health care processes for assault victims. This course, taught by experts in the areas of forensic nursing, law enforcement, advocacy and criminal prosecution, emphasizes the overall importance of the role of the SANE/SAFE and their role in the interdisciplinary Sexual Assault Response Team SART. Key competencies identified by the primary stakeholders of assault education and standards provide the framework for this training. Participants will learn to apply the nursing process for the medical and forensic evaluation of patients who have experienced assault. Enrollees will participate in a simulated forensic history, demonstrate speculum insertion on a live patient model and practice expert witness testimony in a mock trial as a part of the educational training. The participants will have a beginning understanding of the issues and complexities of the SANE/SAFE role.